Thanks to Joe and Linda Daniel, Germanna nursing the winner as Culpeper loses weight ...
"Just Drop It" dropped nearly $160,000 into Germanna nursing program piggy bank.
The Culpeper "Just Drop It" Campaign resulted in more than 3,132 pounds lost by participants and a resulting donation of $156,610.00 for the Nursing and Allied Health Programs at Germanna Community College.
The goals of helping people to be healthier and better manage their diets were possible through the leadership and support of Culpeper Regional Hospital, Powell Wellness Center, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniel and Germanna Community College.
The Hospital, Wellness Center and the Daniels committed financial support to the College and its joint program in nursing with Eastern View High School as a way of challenging participants and investing in the long-term health of the community. This donation will go a long way towards helping Germanna educate the next generation of nurses and health care workers. We thank them for their ongoing support
Our deep appreciation to Sandy Boone at the PWC, Lee Kirk from CRHS, Greta Haggerty from GCC, Joe and Linda Daniel, and other stakeholders including our faculty and nursing students. And congratulations to all the participants. You won both by becoming healthier and by helping Germanna Community College and its students.
--Germanna President David A. Sam