Empower 2000, in partnership with Germanna Community College, will offer a free five-week webinar (web seminar) series titled "UNCOMMON Social Marketing (Web 2.0)" beginning Oct. 2, 2008.
Dr. Randy Peck, the instructor, says social marketing is "going where the fish are instead of expecting them to come to you. It's 'relationship marketing,' meaning relationships first and business second. It's the revolution taking place on the Internet."
Social Marketing topics covered will include blogging, social networking sites including Facebook, video sharing, photo sharing, content sharing sites, and bookmarking sites.
To learn more about the free webinar, which begins with a 7:30-8:30 p.m. session on Thursday, Oct. 2, 2008 go to: http://www.empower2000.com/7mountains/education/gcc/